Brothers and Sisters, I hope all are well! Just wanted to update thosethat could not make the meeting last night, we had a great turnout and I hope some information was gained by the two representatives who underwrite for Anthem and other insurance companies. If you want to talk to these men on a quote for your family or your spouse, I can give you their contact number. From what was said last night, the plan for just the employee will be hard to match by any insurance company. Depending on family or spouse's health history a savings could occur with another plan, they said. Again the local is not endorsing any health plan or company, just trying to provide information to you. Please get quotes from a number of companies, then sit down and discuss what's best for your family. Chief Creasy stopped by and spoke with the E-Board on FLSA and Fitch. On FLSA, information still coming in from federal and local levels and Chief Glidewell met with Admin. yesterday to advise them on his findings. From the information I have read, I believe we are in compliance and will be able to continue the mutuals as we do now. As far as the morning shift change and times to relieve, we seem to be opening more cans of worms than solving the issue. Stay tuned! Fitch & Associates were here on Wednesday to meet with Admin. and the CAO, a bullet point presentation was given with the news that the final report will be given to the city sometime in August. We were able to gain a little info from Chief that no down size to the department was suggested and the FTA complex were in the report. Good news on both those fronts! I hope all have a great weekend and please stay safe!