Thursday, December 29, 2011

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Lt. Schmidt gets charges

Word has it that Lt. Schmidt brought up some serious safety concerns regarding the meth lab fire 18 ran on the C shift. Asking the ESU chief for more training for the entire department due to some unsafe actions/words within the companies that ran the call. Mainly some comments made about wearing SCBAs. Instead of listening to his safety officer and helping the entire department, the ESU chief wanted to make a big deal of what officer said what on scene. Lt Schmidt refused to give up his fellow brothers and since has been taken off the safety car and placed on a 40 hour work after being written up with charges. Am I taking crazy pills?

The men could have been exposed to serious toxins and life altering illnesses while responding to this call  and we as a department are going to respond with filing charges against someone for protecting an officer? He was doing his job as a safety officer. Things that happened there could lead to serious problems for a human being. So instead of training the entire department on how to better handle these emergencies we are going to come down on a LT?

Anyone got more info?

For more of the crap these guys could have come in contact with please visit

Atta boy goes out to the Lt. for standing up for the good.

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Chief Thomas

Does anyone find it interesting that Staff Battalion Chief Tracy Thomas was hired for the position of Battalion Chief of ESU but now currently holds the position of Executive Officer?  At the time the position opened it was stated that there was no officer qualified in the department to run ESU.  Staff Battalion Chief Thomas was hired because of her experience and expertise in emergency services.  She has now been appointed to the position of Executive Officer to the Fire Chief.....  How is this even possible?

The city website defines this as

What does unclassified and classified employment mean?
Unclassified employees serve at the will of the appointing authority. Classified employees have grievance rights following the completion of their probationary period.

 What is going on with this department?  Someone please explain to me how an individual can be hired for a specifically defined position with specifically defined benefits(classified) and within a very short amount of time get a full retirement option(unclassified) and become second(first) in command.